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September Moon Circle: Mabon Magic

PLEASE NOTE: This date is not our normal 2nd Tuesday of the month, so please mark your calendars accordingly. Our facilitator will be on vacation during our regularly scheduled date, and we wanted to hold this closer to the Fall Equinox.

Join your fellow moon sisters as we celebrate the Fall Equinox - Mabon - where there is equal day and night. In this special circle we will be honoring the dark mother, the crone, the goddesses who teach us to embrace the shadow self as a direct integrative path to living in the light.

There is no need to be afraid of the night - our guides: Kali, Hecate, and a few others will show us how to fully love this aspect of ourselves and embody its healing. In this circle we will:

-Discuss the spiritual significance of Mabon and how to embrace the lengthening nights as a mirror for loving our shadow.
-Brief discussion of shadow work and exploring journal prompts.
-Journey with the Dark Goddess in a guided meditation as she teaches us the gifts of the shadow.
-End with a celebration of the Harvest - the food of the Earth and the fruits of our labors.

Please bring a favorite journal, pen, and oracle deck, and reserve your space by contacting Illuminations of Cedar Rapids.

Suggested Love Offering: $25 payable cash, check, Paypal or by Venmo to @AnjiKat. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Earlier Event: August 13
August Moon Circle - The Body Oracle
Later Event: September 21
Iowa City Metaphysical Expo