Calling all Sisters of the Moon!
Join us for NEW virtual monthly new moon circles hosted by Anji Kat, clairaudient, mind-body-soul coach and certified Red Tent Circle facilitator. These circles are a special gathering around the time of the powerful new moon, each themed around the astrological sign in which the new moon is moving through that month.
November’s New Moon lands in the watery sign of Scorpio. This is a powerful time of transformation and self-empowerment, associated with Lilith, the Wild Woman. The shadow side of Scorpio is that we can use our words to sting as a means of self-preservation, so during this sacred New Moon ceremony, we’ll explore how to use intense emotional experiences to grow and develop insight.
Each moon circle will include:
-Guided new moon meditation
-Astrological-themed activity
-Group discussion and/or yoga/sacred movement
-Exercises cultivating our spiritual gifts
-Sacred sisterhood - social time
Suggested Love Offering: $15, payable by Venmo @AnjiKat or PayPal.Me/anjikat
Zoom link to join: