In this month's special circle gathering, we honor the descent into the longest nights and the coldest days of the year. For many this can be a challenging time of year, but our guide for the evening, the mystical Cailleach, has many valuable teachings and gifts for us. She is the crone woman, wise one, who invites us to go within and tap into the power of winter, aging, and journeying beyond the veil to be reborn again. In this circle we will:
- Enjoy candlelight stories about the Cailleach and learn from these parables.
- Guided journaling on the themes of our own age of winter and the journey to our own rebirth
- Guided meditation with the Cailleach as our guide
- Social connection and intuitive wisdom sharing
Suggested Love Offering: $25 payable cash, check, Paypal or by Venmo to @AnjiKat. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.