Live like the Goddess you truly are!
Tired of “wellness” being all about losing weight and eating salads? Learn a new approach to health & wellness that will allow you to harness your personal power and vitality!
You don’t need another new diet….you need SOUL FOOD.
Join me for an enlightening evening that will turn your previously held beliefs about health and wellness on its head! Our culture tells us that to be fit and healthy, it’s all about eating the right foods and exercise. Oh, my dear, there is so much more nourishment waiting for you!
In this workshop we’ll challenge those health & wellness myths and explore new ways of cultivating well-being. Drawing from ancient traditions such as Ayurveda, yoga, nature-based spirituality and Integrative Nutrition, you’ll come away with a plan for Soulful Living.
This workshop will include an Integrative Health Assessment, Introduction to Ayurvedic wisdom for health, and we’ll embody these truths with a gentle yoga session.
Please bring your yoga mat and dress comfortably!
Bring your favorite pen and journal
Workshop Fee: $35
Register with Eventbrite: